Voici le compte rendu hebdomadaire du forum de la Harvard Law School sur la gouvernance corporative au 13 juillet 2017.
J’ai relevé les principaux billets, tout en me limitant au Top 1o.
Bonne lecture !
- The Law & Brexit XII
- How Your Board Can Be Ready for Crisis
- 2017 Proxy Season Review Appraisal Practice Points Post-SWS
- Lawyer CEOs
- The Value of the Shareholder Proposal Process
- What Do Measures of Real-Time Corporate Sales Tell Us About Earnings Surprises and Post-Announcement Returns?
- Have SEC ALJs Been Operating Contrary to the U.S. Constitution?
- Shareholder Proposal Developments During the 2017 Proxy Season
- Inelastic Labor Markets and Directors’ Reputational Incentives
- The Long Arm of the MAC
Classé dans :Actionnaires activistes, Comportement, Diversité, Droits des actionnaires, Formation des administrateurs, Formation en gouvernance, Gouvernance, Indépendance des administrateurs, Management (Haute direction), Performance, Performance, Règlementation en gouvernance, Rémunération de la direction, Relève, Stratégie Tagged: Actionnaire, Board of directors, Comportements, composition, Corporate governance, Direction, Diversité, formation, independance, Performance, Réglementation, rémunération, relève, Stratégies