Voici le compte rendu hebdomadaire du forum de la Harvard Law School sur la gouvernance corporative au 6 juillet 2017.
J’ai relevé les principaux billets, tout en me limitant au Top 1o.
Bonne lecture !
- What are Boards For? Evidence from Closely Held Firms
- After the Annual General Meeting: How Boards Can Prepare for Next Year
- Proxy Access: Highlights of the 2017 Proxy Season
- A Closer Look at the Findings of Our 2017 Proxy Analysis: A New Normal Meets a New Reality
- Investor Support Heating Up for Climate Change Proposals
- Red Light for New Activist Strategy
- Board Reforms and Firm Value: Worldwide Evidence The “Responsible Corporate Officer Doctrine”
- Survives to Perplex Corporate Boards
- Index Eligibility as Governance Battlefield: Why the System is Not Broken and We Can Live With Dual Class Issuers
- Internal Investigations Special Committees Resource
Classé dans :Actionnaires activistes, Comportement, Diversité, Droits des actionnaires, Formation des administrateurs, Formation en gouvernance, Gouvernance, Indépendance des administrateurs, Management (Haute direction), Performance, Performance, Règlementation en gouvernance, Rémunération de la direction, Relève, Stratégie Tagged: Actionnaire, Board of directors, Comportements, composition, Corporate governance, Direction, Diversité, formation, independance, Performance, Réglementation, rémunération, relève, Stratégies