Voici le compte rendu hebdomadaire du forum de la Harvard Law School sur la gouvernance corporative au 20 juillet 2017.
J’ai relevé les principaux billets, tout en me limitant au Top 1o.
Bonne lecture !
- Lighting Our Capital Markets
- Balancing the Governance of Financial Institutions
- The Search for a Long-Term Premium
- Board to Death: How Busy Directors Could Cause the Next Financial Crisis
- Communications Challenges for the Post-Activist Proxy Contest World
- Director Attention and Firm Value
- CalPERS v. IAC: Clear Win for Investors Protecting Shareholder Voting Rights
- Hedge Fund Activism and the Revision of the Shareholder Rights Directive
- The Delightful Dozen: Top Governance Advances in 2017
- How Important are Risk-Taking Incentives in Executive Compensation
Classé dans :Actionnaires activistes, Comportement, Diversité, Droits des actionnaires, Formation des administrateurs, Formation en gouvernance, Gouvernance, Indépendance des administrateurs, Management (Haute direction), Performance, Performance, Règlementation en gouvernance, Rémunération de la direction, Relève, Stratégie Tagged: Actionnaire, Board of directors, Comportements, composition, Corporate governance, Direction, Diversité, formation, independance, Performance, Réglementation, rémunération, relève, Stratégies