Voici le compte rendu hebdomadaire du forum de la Harvard Law School sur la gouvernance corporative au 19 janvier 2017.
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- Playing It Safe? Managerial Preferences, Risk, and Agency Conflicts
- Shareholder Challenges Pay Practice at Apple, Inc.
- Corporate Donations and Shareholder Value
- Delaware Supreme Court Rules on Director Independence
- Proxy Access Reaches the Tipping Point
- Acquisition Financing: the Year Behind and the Year Ahead
- Say on Pay Laws, Executive Compensation, CEO Pay Slice, and Firm Value around the World
- The Importance of the Business Judgment Rule
- 2016 Year-End FCPA Update
- Delaware Court of Chancery Dismissal of Complaint Based on Post-Closing Disclosure Claims
Classé dans :Actionnaires activistes, Comportement, Diversité, Droits des actionnaires, Formation des administrateurs, Formation en gouvernance, Gouvernance, Indépendance des administrateurs, Management (Haute direction), Performance, Performance, Règlementation en gouvernance, Rémunération de la direction, Relève, Stratégie Tagged: Actionnaire, Board of directors, Comportements, composition, Corporate governance, Direction, Diversité, formation, independance, Performance, Réglementation, rémunération, relève, Stratégies Image may be NSFW.
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